computer science - statistics and analytics - chinese
a wonderful program that's enabled me to not only enrich my learning experience but also let me to connect with like-minded, driven, and diverse women in stem!
avid volunteer—my favorite place to volunteer at is the north carolina museum of natural sciences!
my journey from coding!=life to coding==life
my first encounter with coding was not the best. in fact, i disliked it so much i was adamant on never doing it again. i couldn't grasp the meaning of the seemingly pointless divs or the random concatenation of letters, like how was i supposed to know what p or li meant? however despite the monumental initial frustration, with a push in the right direction years down the line, (thank you dad!!) i fell in love with coding freshman year during my first ever coding class—intro to programming.
my future aspirations
when i'm not coding, i'm eating
the one thing i'd never be able to part with is boba. these are hands down the best 5 boba shops!